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geranium peace / geranienfriede by Marcel Hobi
Errect steeples ... fuming men ... airborne children ... seething neighbours ... shrewish house-wives ... enraged clouds ... rampa-ging dogs ... fidgety cellular phones ...
... pieces of the mosaic, that enable us to approach the world of «Geranium Peace».
Erregte Kirchtürme ... rauchende Männer ... fliegende Kinder ... brennende Nachbarn ...bissige Hausfrauen ... wilde Wolken ... ungezogene Hunde ... zappelige Handys ...
... Mosaiksteine, um der Welt in „Geranienfriede" näher zu kommen.
New Generation Prize for the best animated film 2001 (Suissimage / SSA), 37th Solothurn Film Festival 2002, Switzerland
Centaur Prize, Debut Int. Competition, 12th Int. Documentary, Short and Animated Film Festival 2002 "message to man", Saint Petersburg, Russia
Study Award by the Federal Office of Culture (DHA), Switzerland
Special mention for its originality and humour, i castelli animati 2002, Genzano di Roma, Italy
SILVER AWARD for Animation, 36th New York EXPOsition of short film and video 2002, New York, USA
Diploma for the blackest humor, First Latvian Int. Animation Festival "Binimi" 2003 , Riga, Latvia
Certificate of Recognition, Geranium Peace for its outstanding cinematic achievement, Boston International Film Festival, 2003, Boston, USA
Der 38-jährige St. Galler Trickfilmschaffende Marcel Hobi verfolgt in seinem fünfminütigen «Geranienfriede» in schwärzestem Humor und trockenen Dialogen die grossen Katastrophen der kleinen Menschen. Hobi realisiert seit 1993 Trickfilme.
Aargauer Zeitung, 17.1.2002
Ebenfalls zu Recht ist der St. Galler Marcel Hobi für «Geranienfriede» mit dem mit 15.000 Franken dotierten Preis der Suissimage für den besten Animationsfilm des Jahres ausgezeichnet worden: eine unscheinbar-effektvolle Studie in schwarzem Humor, die sich ins Gewand äusserster helvetischer Biederkeit kleidet.
Christoph Egger
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 21.1.2002
«Geranienfriede» (Marcel Hobi) entpuppt sich als schwarzhumorige Studie helvetischer Befindlichkeit.
Reto Baumann
Die Wochenzeitung, 28.3.2002
Wuchernde Biederkeit
Eine böse Satire auf den Schweizer Alltag. Die titelgebenden Geranien, Stereotyp biederer Ordentlichkeit, wachsen unkontrolliert ins Bild, springen dem Zuschauer mit tentakelhaft wachsenden Ästen fast ins Auge, während ein nichtssagender Redeschwall der Blumen giessenden Frau das Gehör betäubt. Wie das Bild friedlicher Biederkeit sich hier ins Bedrohliche dreht, verschiebt sich scheinbar harmonischer Alltag im Kurzfilm ins Abgründige. Jeder ist auf sich selber konzentriert und hält eine Fassade aufrecht. Dialoge bleiben leeres Geschwätz. ...
Yasmine Inauen,
St. Galler Tagblatt, 28.5.2002
excerpts / ausschnitte
37th Solothurn Film Festival, Dec 2002, Solothurn,Switzerland
11th Festival of International Animated Film Stuttgart 2002, March 2002, Germany, Panorama International
Mediawave International Festival of Visual Arts, April 2002, Györ, Hungary, Competition International Animated Film
Festival 2002 Annecy, June 2002, France, competition
12th International Documentary, Short and Animated Film Festival "message to men", June 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia, competition
10th Brazil’s International Animation Festival, Rio de Janeiro, July 2002, Sao Paulo, July 2002, Brazil
Palm Springs Int. Festival of Short Films, Aug 2002, Palm Springs, USA, competition
56th Edinburgh Int. Film Festival, Aug 2002, Edinburgh, United Kindom, World Animation
9th International Animated Film Festival “KROK”, Aug 2002, Saint Petersburg to Moskau, Russia, competition
19th Int. Film Festival, Sept 2002, Viareggio, Italy, competition
Empire State Film Festival, Sept 2002, New York, USA, competition
11th Festival of International Animated Film Stuttgart 2002, March 2002, Germany, Panorama International
Mediawave International Festival of Visual Arts, April 2002, Györ, Hungary, International Animated Film
Festival 2002 Annecy, June 2002, France, competition
International Film Camera Festival, Sept 2002, Scopje, Mazedonia
16th Leeds Int. Film Festival, Oct 2002, England, Int. competition
Brisbane International Animation Festival, Oct 2002, Asutralia
45. Int. Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm,Oct 2002, Germany, Int. competition
7. I Castelli Animati, Oct 2002, Genzano di Roma, Italy, Int. competition
4. Int. Animationweekend Wiesbaden, Oct 2002, Germany
International Cinema Festival, Oct 2002, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
International Animated Film Festival Cinanima, Nov 2002, Espinho, Portugal, competition
BAF!, Bradford Animation Festival. Nov 2002, Bradford, United Kindom
6th International Short Film Festival Winterthur, Nov 2002, Switzerland, Int. Competition
les nuits magiques, 12. Animated Film Festival, Dec 2002, Bordeaux / Begles, France, competition
animadrid, Dec 2002, Madrid, Spain, competition
Black Nights Film Festival, Dec 2002, Estonia, competition
12th International Short Film Festival Rio de Janeiro, Oct 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazl, competition
36th New York Exposition fo Short Film and Video, Dec 2002, New York, USA, competition
24th Film Festival Max Ophuels Prize, Jan 2003, Saarbrücken, Germany, Special Programm
22nd Festival of cartoon and animated film of Brussels, Feb 2003, Belgium
Mostra internacional de cinema d'animacio ANIMAC, Feb 2003, Lleida, Spain, Animac Menu
22nd Festival of cartoon and animated film of Brussels, Feb 2003, Belgium
Cleveland International Film Festival, March 2003, Cleveland, USA, competition
animadrid, Dec 2002, Madrid, Spain, competition
Black Nights Film Festival, Dec 2002, Estonia, competition
12th International Short Film Festival Rio de Janeiro, Oct 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazl, competition
36th New York Exposition fo Short Film and Video, Dec 2002, New York, USA, competition
24th Film Festival Max Ophuels Prize, Jan 2003, Saarbrücken, Germany, Special Programm
22nd Festival of cartoon and animated film of Brussels, Feb 2003, Belgium
Tiburon International Film Festival, March 2003, Tiburon, USA , competition
Cucalorus Film Festival, March 2003, Wilmington, USA, competition
Film Festival Torun, March 2003, Torun, Poland, competition
SwissAm Film Festival, April 2003, New York, USA, competition
Hong Kong International Film Festival, April 2003, Hong Kong, China, competition
Newport Beach Film Festival, April 2003, Newport Beach, USA, competition
2nd International Festival of Animated Film, May 2003, Trebon, Czech Republic, competition
13th FilmKunstFest Schwerin, May 2003, Schwerin, Germany, competition
Tough Eye, Int. Turku Animated Festival, May 2003, Turku, Finland, competition
IFP Los Angeles Film Festival, June 2003, Los Angeles, USA, competition
52nd Melbourne International Film Festival, July 2003, Melbourne, Australia, competition
8th Int. Short Film festival, November 2003, Siena, Italy, competition
Chiavari International Animation Festival, October 2004, Chiavari, Italy, competition
etiuda&anima, Int. Film Festival, November 2005, Krakow, Poland, competition
crew / mitwirkende
production / directors / animation:
Marcel Hobi
Dani Odermatt
Chriz Flueler
Ricardo Schubiger
Thomas Emmenegger
Magnetix, Switzerland
Swisseffects, Switzerland
Egli Film, Switzerland
Sefania Copellini, Thomas Weishaupt, Christine Wirth, Stefan Kollmuss, Brigitte Haelg, Susi Hochstrasser, Myriam Horath, Philippe Jacober, Ricardo Schubiger, Thomas Emmenegger, Marcel Hobi, Reto Friedmann, Daniel Ritz, Christian Wittwer, Philipp Neff, Beatrice Jäggi, Pia Thür, Urs B. Roth, Ferdinand Arnold, Peter Engeli
thanks to:
Beatrice Jäggi, Brigae Haelg, Stefania Copellini, Priit Pärn, Bruno Bissig